Standards Governing Student Enrollment


Standards Governing Student Enrollment

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College reserves the right to make changes in the regulations, courses, fees, and other matters of policy and procedure when necessary.

Students are both members of the external community, which includes Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, as well as members of the internal academic community of the college itself. As citizens of the external community, students are subject to all civil laws, the enforcement of which is the responsibility of civil authorities. As members of the academic community, students are subject to Rowan-Cabarrus Community College regulations and obligations. College students, as adults, are expected to exercise mature and responsible self-discipline, to behave with courtesy and integrity, and to maintain appropriate academic standards as well as appropriate conduct standards. Failure to maintain required standards can lead to conditional enrollment or curtailment of enrollment. These standards and enrollment constraints are described in the following paragraphs:

Advising Students Who Experience Academic Difficulty

Instructors are responsible for keeping students informed regularly about their progress in individual courses, with specific responsibility to expedite the reporting of student performance at each measurement point (chapter tests, mid-terms, finals, etc.). Instructors and advisors are responsible for assisting students who are experiencing academic difficulty.

Advice to help students improve performance may include, but is not limited to, completing developmental education courses or subcomponents of developmental programs, carrying a reduced course load, special tutoring, or repeating selected courses. Semester grade reports are sent to all students. The faculty advisor and student should arrange a conference with a Student Services counselor whenever the nature of a student’s academic difficulty is beyond the scope of the instructor or faculty advisor’s ability to assist. Failure to maintain satisfactory academic standards will result in academic warning, probation or in academic suspension.

Academic Standing Stages

The Department of Counseling & Career Services has been designated to manage the execution of this procedure.  Students must maintain satisfactory academic standards.  Academic evaluation of student performance occurs at the end of each semester. This evaluation may be neither arbitrary nor capricious and must be consistent with previously announced criteria.

Satisfactory Progress – At the end of each academic term, students’ semester and cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) are calculated. Each student is expected to make satisfactory progress, defined as a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, based on credit hours attempted. Students with the minimum cumulative GPA are considered to be in good standing.

Academic Warning (Stage 1) – If a student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.0 at the end of Fall or Spring semester, the student will be placed on academic warning. Students who have been placed on academic warning will receive e-mail notification from Student Services at their college-issued address. Students on academic warning must complete the Academic Success Workshop on BlackBoard.

Academic Probation (Stage 2) – Second consecutive TERM where student earns below 2.0 GPA (for term), the student will be placed on academic probation. Students who have been placed on academic probation will receive e-mail notification from Counseling team in Student Services at their college-issued address.

Students on academic probation will have a restriction placed on their record by the Registrar to prevent access to the registration system and will be required to meet with a counselor to develop an Academic Success Contract. Once the student completes and signs the contract, the counselor will restore access to the registration system (depending on the student’s major).

Academic Suspension (Stage 3)Following the third consecutive TERM where student on Academic Probation earns below 2.0 GPA, the student will be placed on academic suspension for one semester. Students who have been placed on academic suspension will receive e-mail notification from the Director of Counseling & Career Services at their college-issued address.

During this third semester, students will be required to meet with a counselor in Student Services a minimum of three times. Prior to registering, students will complete required meetings with a counselor & submit documentation signed off on by instructors about current standing in class.  Academic Suspension standing will be issued at the completion of this third term if the term GPA is again below 2.0.

Students on academic suspension will have a restriction placed on their record by the Registrar to prevent access to the registration system, and may not remain in any classes for which they have pre-registered. The Registrar will cancel registration for suspended students and authorize refunds of any tuition and fees paid when suspension notification is sent. The Financial Aid Director will cancel financial aid for the term. Students on academic suspension are not allowed to participate in college functions, including but not limited to athletics, student activities, and clubs; or to use college facilities, such as the student lounge, etc. As non-enrolled students, they are considered campus visitors and must abide by college rules for visitors.

After one semester of Academic Suspension, student can request re-enrollment, and must complete the requirements for reinstatement.

Academic Appeals

Appeals of academic suspension will be referred by the Director of Counseling on the date specified on the official notification letter students will receive via mail.  The process and parties involved will be outlined at that time.

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College reserves the right to make changes in the regulations, courses, fees, and other matters of policy and procedure when necessary.